
We aimed to finish everything at the desk. For this purpose, we solve everything down to the smallest detail in the application project.

In this way, we ensure the maximum level of independence of the project from the human factor, without leaving production or assembly to the initiative.

In addition to minimizing unit costs such as energy and labor, the highest product quality and product standardization are targeted during the project and installation phase of the facilities


Our strong engineering infrastructure exists to say “it can be done.”

Under the leadership of the technical knowledge and experience of our design team, systems-oriented designs with complex details are projected and made ready for production.


Engineering studies are carried out by our expert teams.

Our team can analyze all the details of the project from concept drawings to manufacturing pictures.

When it’s necessary, they develop new systems specific to the project.

Calculations of static, dynamic and industrial analyzes in accordance with international engineering norms are also made together with the engineering department structured within our own company.


We aimed to finish everything at the desk.

For this purpose, we solve everything even to the smallest detail in the application project.

In this way, we ensure the maximum level of independence of the project from the human factor, without leaving production or assembly to the initiative. In addition to minimizing unit costs such as energy and labor, the highest product quality and product standardization are targeted during the project and installation phase of the facilities.


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