Dorsan Filtres

Liquid Filter Bags

Liquid Filter Bags

Liquid Filter Bags

Manufactured with 100% polypropylene, polyester or nylon monofilament synthetic fibres.

Thw liquid filtration process with filter bags works as a depth filter, and is highly recommended

to filter liquids with a large number of solid or gelatinous particles.

Application: Food & Drink, Chemical-Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Galnavic Industry, Wastewater treatment…


Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Smooth surface paper (from 60 to 650 grs/m²) or crepe paper (from 60 to 180 grs/m²).

Available in a wide variety of formats, either discs or sheets.

We are able to meet the most common filtration needs using filter paper.

We have filter paper available, which is especially resistant in a wet state,

which comes with various thicknesses to maximise the length of filtration cycles.

Application: Food & Drink, Chemical- Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Perfumes, Surface Treatments…


Filter Sheets & Filter Modules

Filter Sheets & Filter Modules

Filter Sheets & Filter Modules

In a depth filter, the surface available for retention of solids is not just the exterior section of the filtration element,

but all the surface area of the pores through  which the liquid to be filtred passes.

The main advantage of depth filters is their great capacity  to retain contaminants.

Furthermore, the most usual formats in press filters are 40 x 40 or 60 x 60 cm, we are able to supply any format,

with or without holes.

Application: Food & Drink, Chemical- Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Parfumes…


Filter Cartridges PP

Filter Cartridges PP

Filter Cartridges PP

Pleated Cartridges 100% polypropylene, assembled using the latest heat setting technologies.

For applications where absolute or nominal retention is necessary.

Oour efficiency ratings reach 99.98% (Beta 5000) in absolute filters and 90% micron rating in nominal filtres.

Application: Food & Drink, Inverse osmosis pre-filtration (R.O.), Chemical products, Processing water filtraion, petrochemical, Waste Water Treatment…


Filter Cartridges Wounded

Filter Cartridges Wounded

Filter Cartridges Wounded

Its design depth filter cartridge ensures progressive blinding and offering long filtration cyles.

Available in polypropylene yarn, cotton, polyester, fiberglass… and in standard diameter or BIG.

Its ease of use and low cost makes them perfect choice prefilter for most industrial facilities.

Application: Process Water (P.O.E.), Electroplating Baths, Chemical Products, Oils, Petrochemicals, Waste Water Treatments.

(Available with internal core in PP or Stainless Steel)


Filter Cartridge Meltblown

Filter Cartridge Meltblown

Filter Cartridge Meltblown

Its design depth filter cartridge ensures progressive plugging. Available in absolute retention or nominal.

Its special manufacturing accomplished by progressive layers of different porosity ensure high retention

capacity of contaminants, high flow and prolonged use cycles.

Application: Process Water (P.O.E.), Electroplating Baths, Chemical Products, Oils, Petrochemicals, Waste Water Treatments.

(With broad end caps configurations)


Houssings PP y UPVC

Houssings PP y UPVC

Houssings PP y UPVC

Dorsan ® UPVC Bag Filter Housings feature excellent anti-corrosion by wide chemical compatibility.

Compared eith products made of stainless steel in the same dimensions, the UPVC filter housings advantage

of lightness, low cost and rust free. Secure quick swing bolt closure, enabling the UPVC high pressure

bag filter housings to withstand higher operating pressure in critical processes.

Application: Filtration of chemicals from truck’s tanks to the plant, Prefiltration Reverse Osmosis Membranes, Desalination, Waste Water Treatment, Household Water Filtration, Filtration of corrosive chemical products.


Stainless Steel Filter Housing

Stainless Steel Filter Housing

Stainless Steel Filter Housing

Filters manufactured in AISI 304 or AISI 316L that comly with the highest quality standards.

Available in configurations from 10 inches to 50 inches, cartridge holders from 3 to 9 units.

Can be used with filtration bags in the most regualar measurements. Options of various polished finishes

(glazed is the most popular) V-CLAM closure (clamp) or BOLT closure (screw).

Our commercial department can advice you in relation to all your queries helping you make the best choice for the shells that you need.


Pure Filtration for the galvanic industry

Pure Filtration for the galvanic industry

Dorsan ® is a global leader in the manufacturing of filter media for the galvanic industry.

With our presence in Germany, India, Mexico and Spain, we aim to be very close to our international

costumers and markets.

German technology allows us to design the most advanced products and provide our costumers

with top-quality filtering processes. In addition, we work closely with thw main manufacturers of pumps

fot the galvanic industry, jointly developing the most fitting solutions for all bath types.

Selecting the best filter medium will greatly reduce the cost of chemical products and rejected parts.

Filtration is, without a doubt, the most highly valued process at the leading galvanic industry companies.

Our wide range of products and many years of experience in the sector make Dorsan® the best bath filtration choice for companies involved in auto manufacturing, health care, electronics and other highly demanding industries.

“The German auto industry, with the highest quality in the world, trusts Dorsan® for bath filtration”


Filter Paper

Filter Paper

Filter Paper

With cellulose and cotton fibres of high purity. They represent the most widely used filter medium in the

galvanic industry for their excellent performance and compatibility with the vast majority of baths.

Manufactured with special humidity-resistant agents to prevent undesires breakage during the filter process.

Perfect for filtering baths at 60° or higher where other materials, such as polyoropylene, can not be used.

We offer the possibility to choose between filter papers with filtration adjuvants (diatomaceous earth, activated carbon…) or for direct fine filtration. Different grammages and thicknesses allow us to lenghten filter cycles to the max. We provide the widest range of sizes on the market for pumps by Mefiag, Siebec, La Fonte, Sager+Mack…

(Wide selection of formats. Crepe and Smooth)


Activated Carbon Filter Paper

Activated Carbon Filter Paper

Activated Carbon Filter Paper

The advantages of CA-160 and CA-500 are:

  • Eliminate the pre-layer of powdered carbon filter aid.
  • Avoid sending activated carbon to decorative baths.
  • Reduce organic matter to improve the distribution of high and low density zones in tanks.
  • Compatible with process involving zinc, nickel, alloys(Zn/Ni,Zn,/Fe), Cu.
  • Preventive filtration with activated carbon to prolong transfers to auxiliary vats and use powdered carbon.

CA-160 is the most widely used in galvanic plants around the world (grammage of 160g/m² and 25% carbon).

CA-500 is highly prized by the manufacturers of galvanised ABS plastics fot the auto industry (high grammege 500g and 50% carbon).

(More carbon – New CA500 – More production)


Polypropylene / Polyester Filter Medium

Polypropylene / Polyester Filter Medium

Polypropylene / Polyester Filter Medium

In industries with very demanding fine filtration requirements or extreme pH levels, filter paper is not enough.

For these cases, at Dorsan® we have developed two types of material manufactured with neither binders

nor adhesives and with extensive chemical compatibility. The 100%-polypropylene type can be used for bath

temperatures of up to 60°C. For temperatures of up to 120°, the option would be the 100%-polyester type.

They make it possible to obtain a filter quality of up to 0.5 mocrons in a depth filtration process with elevated filtration cycles and trap inside a large quantity of particles under 1 micron in size. (see photo) Available in any disc format for any filter pump.


Wound Filter Cartridges

Wound Filter Cartridges

Wound Filter Cartridges

The use of wound filter cartridge is growing as a supplement to paper filters in the galvanic industry. Their low cost and easy installation make them the perfect ally in filtration processes with high suspended particle contents.

Many cartridges on the market contain waxes and oils, which produce unpleasent and costly foam when used.

Dorsan® cartridges do not produce foam in the bath.

Available in polypropylene, cotton, polyester, or glass fibre thread and in standard 2.5” or BIG diameter. The most broadly used material is wound polypropylene thread, due to its high chemical compatibility.

(Possibility with stainless steel inner tube)



Meltblown Filter Cartridges

Meltblown Filter Cartridges

Meltblown Filter Cartridges

When highly effective depth filtration is needed, Meltblown cartridges represent the best choice. Made with 100% polypropylene fibres, free of any binders or adhesives which may provoke undesired reactions in the bath. Available in absolute and nominal retention options.

Structured in layers of progressively varying porosity to ensure a high contaminant retention capacity, a high flow rate and long use cycles. Possibility of polypropylene inner tube to increase stiffness and resistance to breakage under high pressure.

(Absolute and Nominal Filtration)


Activated Carbon Filter Cartridges

Activated Carbon Filter Cartridges

Activated Carbon Filter Cartridges

Activated carbon is an inert, microporous product that has undergone a treatment to wxpand its surface. The enormous specific surface area of activated carbon – reaching from 100 to 2000 m²/g – is what gives this material its high absorption capacity.

Available in different sizes from 9¾” to 30”. Granulated, block or coated cellulose.

With diameters of 2.5” to 6” and wide chemical compatibility.

(Full range of different lenghts)


PVDF Filter Cartridges

PVDF Filter Cartridges

PVDF Filter Cartridges

Certain galvanic processes, like in the electronics industry or special chrome baths, require the use

of filter media with high purity, strenght and chemical resistance.

For this reason, we have created a type of cartridge in which the carcass and filter medium are 100% PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride).

It stands out for its high temperature resistance (up to 150°C) and elevated resistance to acids, bases and solvents.

It is highly resistant to chlorine, bromine and UV rays. PVDF is, by nature, a hydrophobic material.

To make it easier to use, our filters have been surface treated to endow them with hydrophilic properties.


Filter Bags

Filter Bags

Filter Bags

In processes which require fast filter changes but are less demanding in terms of filter quality,

the use of filter bags is recommended. In galvanic baths, polypropylene filter bags are primordially

used due to their wide chemical compatibility up to 80°C. In hotter baths, polyester bags are recommended.

Our products line includes various sizes and thicknesses depending on the volume of the bath to filter.

We produce our filter bags with polypropylene or steel rings depending on bath features or costumer requirements.


Filter Paper

Filter Paper

Filter Paper

Galvanic indusry labs tend to be the side of small filtrations of chemical products and tests on the state of the bath.

For theese applications, Dorsan® filter papers in crepe filter format or flat discs are the best option on the market.

Our wide selection of porosities and sizes is designed to meet the filtering requirements of all our costumers.





Popularly known as SPAGHETTI, these olefinic and hydrophobic polypropylene fibres are chemically inert.

They have the property of absorbing the oils and fats present in baths, generally of the alkaline type.

They represent effective filtration in the degreasing of chemicals and electrolytes.

Their use in the first tank (degreasing) prevents problems in subsequent tanks.

Degraeasing baths, nickel, zinc, copper baths (very high dirtiness or oil absorption), flow baths in

galvanisation, all active baths and pickling baths. In anodising systems: colour baths, sealing baths…


Pure Filtration for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Insutry

Pure Filtration for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Insutry

Why to filter EVOO?

Any EVOO evolves and does so negatively. The aging of the oil is values as a defect.

It is recommended the filtration to achieve its stabilization and an organoleptically superior EVOO, by avoiding the negative contribution of the evolutotion of the impurities ( anaerobic fermantation).

  • Does not affect the characteristics organoleptics of the EVOO.
  • It avoids negative effects of sediments which are generated by decantation.
  • There is no record of withholding of protective colloids, tocopherols, vitamins, etc.

Recommendations for the Filtering precess

We advise not to expose the oil to the air during filtration. In this way will avios an oxygen enrichment

that will accelerate the processes of auto-oxidation and, therefore, bad taste.

The oil should not be treated energetically, without exceeding the recommended pressure.

The good pumps choice are those with a low rotation speed for not create emulsions.

Correct olive oil filtration IN ADDITION to allowing adequate commercial presentation…

Increase the quality of the product for the consumer by:

  • The alimination of solids and moisture in the oil prevents during the frying the combustion of those occurs. Avoiding the formation of fumes and unpleasant odors.
  • Moisture during fying create Dampness results in sizzing skillet; Eliminated the water, this defect disappears.

Improve conservation conditions.

  • The sediments at the bottom of the packaging are rich in carbohydrates and protein substances that suffer anaerobic fermantation. Also, lipolytic enzymes which destroy fat molecules. The consequence of in a long-term conservation packaging, is the presence of odors to fermented, and the increase of acidity by released acids.


Filter Sheets & Depth Filtration

Filter Sheets & Depth Filtration

Over the past few years, filter plates have become the greatest ally of olive oil packers.

Their use makes the creation of a perfectly stabilized oil possible, free of humidity and waxes for a long sales period.

Dorsan® brand olive oil filter plates are made from premium quality cellulose to ensure a high degree of humidity absorption. Diatomaceous earth is another essential ingredient, helping us achieve the perfect filtration of any waxes or impurities present in the oil.

After an exhaustive study, we have developed two types of plates specialized for olive oil filtration: KA-5 and KA-035. Both are perfectly usable in organic oils, as their composition complies with the current regulations on this type of production.


Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Made from premium quality cellulose, our filter paper is an affordable option for the filtration of oils

already pre-filtered with diatomaceous earth.

The cellulose serves to retain humidity and traces of earth that may have accidentally passed

through the previous filter.

They are also frequently used as support for diatomaceous earth in filters designed for this end.

Available in a wide range of weights and with smooth or crepe surfaces.

Highly valued in the well-known filters COLUMBIT, ALUVION and in more recent press filters --

for example, those measuring 40 x 40 cm and 60 x 61 cm -- prior to packing

Liquid Filter Bags

Liquid Filter Bags

Manufactured using 100% synthetic fibers of polypropylene, polyester and nylon monofilament.

Dorsan® filter bags use only filter media that can guarantee a high and constant quality and efficiency.

These standard felt liquid filter bags work as a depth filter and are very recommended to filtrate solid and gelatinous particles from liquids.

On a depth filter, the area available for solids retention is not just the outside of the filter element, but the entire surface area of the pores through which the liquid to be filtered flows. The filter bags are used in olive oil refineries.

The main advantage is their high dirt-holding capacity and high flow. Being one the best economical solutions for a lot of liquid filtration applications.


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