Pure Filtration for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Insutry

Pure Filtration for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Insutry

Pure Filtration for the Extra Virgin Olive Oil Insutry

Why to filter EVOO?

Any EVOO evolves and does so negatively. The aging of the oil is values as a defect.

It is recommended the filtration to achieve its stabilization and an organoleptically superior EVOO, by avoiding the negative contribution of the evolutotion of the impurities ( anaerobic fermantation).

  • Does not affect the characteristics organoleptics of the EVOO.
  • It avoids negative effects of sediments which are generated by decantation.
  • There is no record of withholding of protective colloids, tocopherols, vitamins, etc.

Recommendations for the Filtering precess

We advise not to expose the oil to the air during filtration. In this way will avios an oxygen enrichment

that will accelerate the processes of auto-oxidation and, therefore, bad taste.

The oil should not be treated energetically, without exceeding the recommended pressure.

The good pumps choice are those with a low rotation speed for not create emulsions.

Correct olive oil filtration IN ADDITION to allowing adequate commercial presentation…

Increase the quality of the product for the consumer by:

  • The alimination of solids and moisture in the oil prevents during the frying the combustion of those occurs. Avoiding the formation of fumes and unpleasant odors.
  • Moisture during fying create Dampness results in sizzing skillet; Eliminated the water, this defect disappears.

Improve conservation conditions.

  • The sediments at the bottom of the packaging are rich in carbohydrates and protein substances that suffer anaerobic fermantation. Also, lipolytic enzymes which destroy fat molecules. The consequence of in a long-term conservation packaging, is the presence of odors to fermented, and the increase of acidity by released acids.


Filter Sheets & Depth Filtration

Filter Sheets & Depth Filtration

Over the past few years, filter plates have become the greatest ally of olive oil packers.

Their use makes the creation of a perfectly stabilized oil possible, free of humidity and waxes for a long sales period.

Dorsan® brand olive oil filter plates are made from premium quality cellulose to ensure a high degree of humidity absorption. Diatomaceous earth is another essential ingredient, helping us achieve the perfect filtration of any waxes or impurities present in the oil.

After an exhaustive study, we have developed two types of plates specialized for olive oil filtration: KA-5 and KA-035. Both are perfectly usable in organic oils, as their composition complies with the current regulations on this type of production.


Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Filter Papers

Made from premium quality cellulose, our filter paper is an affordable option for the filtration of oils

already pre-filtered with diatomaceous earth.

The cellulose serves to retain humidity and traces of earth that may have accidentally passed

through the previous filter.

They are also frequently used as support for diatomaceous earth in filters designed for this end.

Available in a wide range of weights and with smooth or crepe surfaces.

Highly valued in the well-known filters COLUMBIT, ALUVION and in more recent press filters --

for example, those measuring 40 x 40 cm and 60 x 61 cm -- prior to packing

Liquid Filter Bags

Liquid Filter Bags

Manufactured using 100% synthetic fibers of polypropylene, polyester and nylon monofilament.

Dorsan® filter bags use only filter media that can guarantee a high and constant quality and efficiency.

These standard felt liquid filter bags work as a depth filter and are very recommended to filtrate solid and gelatinous particles from liquids.

On a depth filter, the area available for solids retention is not just the outside of the filter element, but the entire surface area of the pores through which the liquid to be filtered flows. The filter bags are used in olive oil refineries.

The main advantage is their high dirt-holding capacity and high flow. Being one the best economical solutions for a lot of liquid filtration applications.


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